Why Getting A Copy Of Your Credit Report Is Important

Why Getting A Copy Of Your Credit Report Is Important

Your credit rating, like a report card of your credit history, is important when determining your economic status. When your credit rating is good, can easily obtain a loan, a mortgage, or credit cards, among other things. But if you have a spotty payment history with a creditor, or even went into default with one or more loans, this negative action is reported to a credit reporting agency, which keeps track of your credit report. With a bad credit rating, you will be unable to get a loan or a credit card (or at least one with a reasonable interest rate). Without a credit card, you can’t rent a car, or even shop online. Having a good credit history is crucial to most financial opportunities, and it is important to begin repairing your credit as quickly as possible if you find yourself classified as “poor.”

Most people hesitate to attempt to fix their own credit, because they are unsure where to begin. The first step to credit repair would be to order a current copy of your credit report from the credit reporting agency. To find out which of credit reporting agency tracks your credit, take a look at a declined credit application. This letter will indicate the credit reporting agency that provides your credit rating.

If you’re concerned about the cost of the report, don’t be. Most people don’t know that you are entitled to a free credit report. To get one, just contact the credit reporting agency either by mail or through their website, and request an application. Once you receive it, fill it out and mail it with a copy of your identification, to the credit reporting agency. If you’d rather not wait for the mailed credit report, most credit reporting agencies will also provide your credit history on the internet. Unlike the mail method, however, viewing your report online will cost a fee.

No matter how you get it, it is absolutely necessary to review your credit report. Look for any possible mistakes in your report. If there are any, you should request, in writing, that the credit reporting agency investigate the item. After you have done this, the credit reporting agency legally has 30 days to provide you with documentation regarding the entry. If they fail to do so, the entry must be removed from your credit report.

When you request that an item listed on your credit report be investigated, be sure to send any supporting documents you might have along with the request. It is uncommon, but agencies can sometimes make a mistake, or possibly mix up your credit information with another customer’s. You may also request that the agency note any entries being investigated on your file.

It is absolutely necessary that you review your credit report before attempting to repair your credit. Unless you do so, you will have no idea what you are dealing with except that your credit rating is listed as “poor.” It is important to find out how poor it actually is, and what is listed on the report, causing a low score. You could be dealing with several missed payments, or only one defaulted loan. You may have just received the black mark on your credit history, or the negative items could be six and a half years old and nearly ready to expire. Knowing exactly where you stand with your credit is crucial to beginning your credit repair process.