The Neighborhood Mint

The Neighborhood Mint

After a recent trip to Dahlonega, Georgia, I’m became obsessed with
wanting to know more about the U.S. Mint that had been there and its
history. To say that “The Neighborhood Mint: Dahlonega in the Age of
Jackson” by Sylvia Head, Elizabeth W. Etheridge, gave me all the
information I ever wanted to know would be an understatement. Their
200-page book is packed with facts, figures, stories, and bits of
history that sometimes were overwhelming. At times you get the feeling
the authors are “beating a dead horse”, but I was never left with
mysteries or unanswered questions.
Being a student of US coins, I was fascinated as to the role politics
played in the coinage of our money, establishment of mints, and whom
the mints employed. The authors drill down deep into the personalities
and motives of the individual players. Additionally, I was fascinated
to learn that Dahlonega was the site of the first American gold rush,
not California. The Dahlonega mint never did produce the coinage
anticipated by its developers for numerous reasons, which is also
explained. I wouldn’t recommend this book to the fainthearted. If you
are history buff, coin collector, or a student of politics, this is a
good read. If you are not, stay away.