Soccer History
Although the modern day game of soccer originated in Britain, records show that the games that involve the kicking of a ball have been around for a long time. No one really knows where the game soccer began. Historians say that it is impossible to precisely pinpoint where and when soccer started. Although it is assumed that there are types of ball game that have been played in some parts of the world for over 3000 years. There are lots of older versions of the game soccer. Here are some of the predominant cultures that have some form of soccer history.
Egyptian Soccer History
Little has been documented on Egyptian soccer history but there was a version of a type of ball game that was played by young Egyptian women during the reign of Baqet III. Written on his tomb are images of this kind of sport. On the other hand, experts are flabbergasted how this kind of game was played or if their kind of ball game has affected the outcome of today’s game of soccer because no writings or documents have been found on how the game was played. Some experts say that with this lack of information it is quite difficult to eliminate or include it as one of the earliest form of the game soccer or somewhat similar to soccer.
Chinese Soccer History
Some say that the Chinese game “cuju” or “tsu chu” is one of the earliest forms of the game soccer or the earliest soccer history. In the Chinese history (roughly dated way back 300 B.C.), it is written that the Chinese military during the Han Dynasty period had a form of game or a skill building exercise that involved players on a field kicking of a ball into a small net. The ball that was used was a leather ball stuffed with fur. In this Chinese version, players are not allowed to hold the ball with their hands during the play (much like the modern day soccer). Team members of this early soccer version were given great honors. The Han Dynasty emperor was said to be an avid fan and player of this sort of game. This early form of soccer was quite popular during the reign of this emperor.
British Soccer History
The soccer history in Britain started during the 8th century. It was created not for recreational purposes; rather it was created as a war game. The game’s origin came from a Danish Prince who was beheaded and whose head was used like a ball and was kicked around. Even though the early version of this game was very violent (injuries and deaths was not unusual) it was very popular within this period.
No matter what people say on how the game soccer originated or the blurry version of soccer history, soccer is still one of the most popular sport in the world.