Negotiate The Cheapest Auto Loan

Negotiate The Cheapest Auto Loan

Rather than luck, getting the best rate on your auto loan is a skill that can be learnt, where knowing how to negotiate is the crucial component to getting the best deal for yourself. The best way to dispel nerves while negotiating is by remembering that you are trying to save yourself money, and without these nerves, you will easily find the courage to drive down the rate they are offering you. The following suggestions will also help you as you go through your uto loan interest rate negotiations.
Auto Loan Tip #1 Buy at the End of the Month
Frequently the marketing tactics of auto dealerships involve contests, with the winner receiving either a physical or monetary prize and some coverage in the local newspapers. Research indicates that these contests run for a month on average, by the end of which salesmen are desperate for a sale as buyers are waiting to see who wins, rather than purchase. Use this desperation for your own benefit, as the salesman will be more focussed on the sale than the margin it will earn him, and you will be able to drive the overall sale price down. The result of a lower sale price is a lesser amount financed, and this might enable you to negotiate better terms for your auto loan.
Auto Loan Tip #2 A Good Credit History
While seeming obvious, most people are unaware of the effect a poor credit history has on their auto loan rate. An excellent credit rating gives you the freedom to purchase at your convenience, as lenders will want you as a customer. However if you have a poor credit history, devote several months to trying to repair it and you will find it has wider benefits, in addition to helping you get a better interest rate on your auto loan.
Auto Loan Tip #3 Negotiate and shop around
When you are buying anything, the benefits of shopping around are clear, and arranging an auto loan is no different. Prior to your negotiations calculate your limits, so that you know the maximum you can afford to put toward an auto loan on a monthly basis. It gives you a reference point for negotiation of rates, and also prevents you tipping your hand and letting the other side know the point at which you will walk away. Always remember, no matter how high the pressure to make the sale, there are thousands of car dealers and lenders, so don’t accept any offer of finance without shopping around.