National Museum, Copenhagen

National Museum, Copenhagen

Be your own guide and touch base with relics that speak of the cultural history dating several centuries back.

The year 1807 marked the foundation of the National Museum, Copenhagen. It is home to a huge collection, some even dating as far back as the 1650’s, during the time that “royal museum” was conceived by Danish kings. The National Museum, Copenhagen is a traditional 18-century mansion that is located in the heart of the city, a short walk from Stroget.

Considered as Denmark’s biggest museum, the National Museum, Copenhagen unveils Danish history and speaks of the present day as well. A popular feature of the museum is its do-it-yourself tour guides. These only take about an hour, and allow people to learn about the collection housed within the 10,000 sq.m. exhibit area, easier than expected.

The audio guide of the National Museum, Copenhagen in both Danish and English versions comes with a portable CD player equipped with headphones. Furthermore, the museum boasts of magnification instruments that are useful to those with sight issues, as these can enlarge the exhibits and their texts.

The National Museum, Copenhagen is composed of several sections. The Prehistoric Denmark is one which displays numerous archeological artifacts which include the famous Solvognen. Other popular exhibits in this section include Bronze Age oak coffins.

There are other sections in the National Museum, Copenhagen that depict various eras. The Denmark Middle Ages and Renaissance which run from 1660-1830 is under a separate section. The Royal Coin Collection, as well as the Antique Collections, house Egyptian, Roman, and Greek artifacts such as mummies. The cultures of Eskimos and Indians are all covered in the Ethnographic section of the museum.

Kids need not feel bored at all. They can both play and learn about history right at the National Museum, Copenhagen, particularly in the Children’s Museum. They can play dress-up and know how it feels like to be grandma or granddad with the museum’s ancient clothes collection. There are several other interesting sights that the children will definitely be enthralled to see. Children are allowed to go on board the Viking ship, and relive their sailing fantasies. Another highlight is a replica of a 1920 classroom. Children will get to be little grannies as they sit on olden desks.

The National Museum, Copenhagen is certainly not only for historians, or those people who have the passion for studying the bygone eras. It offers many great surprises even to the most modern-minded individual as well.