How a Resume Format Can Adopt to Your Need

How a Resume Format Can Adopt to Your Need

Resume writing can have different levels of challenges to anyone attempting to write them, as writing and thought organizing skills differ from one individual to another. The following resume formats are presented to help you in deciding the style that would best be suitable to your needs.

There are different styles of resumes that you can choose from depending on your requirement. Choosing from among them is crucial to bring out what the job seeker would want to emphasize most.

Failing to do that would not give justice to the skills and capacity of the person as interviewers and hiring managers can only base their decision for inviting the job applicant based on the strength of the résumé presented.

The Chronological Resume Format
This is the most common and popular type of presenting yourself to a prospective employer. Most applicants use this resume format as it enables the job seeker to highlight achievements in successions.

The chronological resume format is particularly helpful for individuals who have enjoyed successive advancement and growth in their careers and wants that to be emphasized. The chronological resume format is presented starting from the most recent achievement moving backwards. This format also serves best when the applicant has a significant position from his latest employer and wants it shown upfront. The basic components of a chronological resumes are the objective, the work history and achievements, education, personal data section, professional affiliation, reference section and the whatever details that the job seeker wants included to strengthen his position in the eye of the person scanning the resumes. Most managers and interviewers eye are also comfortable with this kind of format for the reason that this is the type that they receive and read most.

The Functional Resume Format
There are many instances however when the applicant has a change of career path, has irregular employment or when the applicant thinks that extended work experience is not desired in the job. The functional resume format serves best at highlighting the specific skills and achievements. The skills then can be written stating with what one thinks best is related to a particular job requirement and wants the focus to start from there. The major components of a functional resume are the skills or technical abilities, work experiences, education and professional affiliations.

The Combination Resume Format
This is best when emphasizing particular skills gained while presenting the job history in a chronological order. The major components in the presentation are objectives, education, work history honors received and summary.