Getting A Home Equity Loan Without Perfect Credit

Getting A Home Equity Loan Without Perfect Credit

Getting a home equity loan without perfect credit can help you pay for home repairs, consolidate debt, or provide a college education. Even with poor credit, you have several factors going for you, including your equity investment. And with online lenders, you have several choices when it comes to lenders. Being a smart shopper with your terms will ensure that you get a good deal on your second mortgage no matter what your credit score.

What You Got Going For You

Maybe you have a couple of bad marks on your credit, but remember the positive factors you do have. For one, the equity in your house can secure a potential loan at lower rates than other forms of credit. You also have probably made several on time bill payments.

Unless you have looked at your credit score lately, don’t assume you have bad credit. There are hundreds of factors that determine your score besides payment history. And time will eventually erase all your credit mistakes, even a bankruptcy.

If you are concerned about your credit history, take a look at your credit report. You can verify the information is correct and know where you stand credit-wise.

Sub Prime Lenders Or Not

Sub prime lenders offer financing to those turned away by traditional lenders. With their slightly higher rates, they accept higher risk loan applicants. However, traditional lenders are also dealing in sub prime lending.

Before you choose one lender, start asking for loan estimates from both sub prime and traditional lenders. Be honest with your credit history to get realistic quotes. You may be surprised who offers you the better deal.

Pick Better Terms

Rates and closing costs determine the majority of the cost of a loan, but terms are also important. For example, long term loans delay payment and increase your interest charges. However, they offer low monthly payments which can fit with your current budget needs.

You can also negotiate changes in caps, rates, and fees. You may also want to keep the option open to refinance when your credit score improves.

No matter which home equity loan lender you choose, make sure they offer you a financial deal that fits your needs. Otherwise, you should keep looking for a better offer.