Florida Criminal Records
Aside from the business itself, the most important aspect of the company’s business is its workforce. Nowadays, companies are very particular with the type of person they are hiring for a job position. Too many instances wherein no background check on Florida criminal records, or any state for that matter, was performed led to negligence hiring lawsuits.
When a person with a propensity to criminal behavior as outlined in his Florida criminal records was hired without conducting a background check and committed a crime in the context of his job, the employer could be held liable. This is why many companies today are very concerned over this particular aspect of the hiring process.
The Official Database for Florida Criminal Records
Florida criminal records are stored in a database formed by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, under their Criminal History Information section. The database was provided in order to allow people to search for Florida criminal records or criminal history information during the screening process prior to hiring or during the pre-employment background check.
The Florida Department of Law Enforcement’s Florida criminal records database is updated daily so you can be sure to get the most recent information stored there. Also, since the Florida Criminal History Information is the official database of the State, the Florida criminal records you get there contain data that are assuredly accurate and reliable.
The online database allows information to be exchanged over the Internet based on the names or other identifying information that you provide. As such, the names contained in the Florida criminal records returned in the search results may not be the same person whom you are inquiring about. To make sure that it is or not the same person, fingerprints need to be obtained and compared.
Unofficial Databases of Florida Criminal Records
Even though there is an official database for Florida criminal records, for some public records researcher, it is not enough. This is because, not all Florida criminal records in the Florida Depart of Law Enforcement database are accessible or open to the public. Also, the State charges each individual search .00, whether or not the search yields results.
To limit the expense and widen the scope of the search, public records researches use more than one database of Florida criminal records. Usually, the first step of the research process involves visiting known Internet sites that keep online databases of Florida criminal records. These records may or may not come for free as they get most of their information from public record vendors.