Family Genealogy In Art
Some people have the ability to get very creative in the projects that they make with needle and fabric. Some families might tie their family history in with creating Family Genealogy in Art that they will use as gifts at Christmas, or for the decoration of their own homes. The family tree has been eloquently drawn in charcoal, etched in glass, and included in quilts that people place at the foot of their beds.
The Family Genealogy in Art exhibit that they create could be large enough to cover one wall, or it could be small enough to fit inside two or three shadow boxes that can be arranged in several ways on a wall. The Genealogy in Art exhibit will certainly catch the attention of visitors because the artwork will most certainly contain the name of the person that they are visiting.
For the Family Genealogy in Art exhibit, a crafty person with a needle could sew items with special memories attached to them on fine pieces of linen and present them as a present. The artwork will contain some family history because the pieces reflect a certain person, and the name and date of the person that created the artwork can be sewn into the bottom corner of the item.
Other parts of a Family Genealogy in Art exhibit could contain an organized list of every family member’s name. These organized lists could be turned into a quilt top or wall hanging with very little effort and the finished piece will serve as a genealogical family tree for many generations to come if it is cared for properly.
Some people prefer to use iron on transfers to place pictures of family members on the artwork that they are creating. Instead of stitching the family history, they prefer to display portraits that are arranged in an organized fashion that create branches of the family tree. The pictorial review will be a visual reminder of what ancestors looked like, and could help identify when a particular trait in the family became very noticeable.
The Family Genealogy in Art frames could be fashioned in heart shapes with the names of each family member and their descendants sewn into the shape. These stylish pieces of family history will serve as a record for future generations and establish a solid piece of family history that everyone can enjoy. Over time, the interest in creating works of art that cover some aspect of family history will be assumed by another family member and the tradition for tracking the family history will pass on to another generation.